
Showing posts from 2009

Breakthrough ~~Adrienne Adams

Mrs. Adams, of Write the Vision Ministries has a new release entitled Breakthrough The novel, "Breakthrough," explores the complex issues of faith and hope through the eyes of teens. Author Adrienne Adams offers the perspective on that level because she has learned to communicate with young people through her extensive experience with youth ministry. A teen mom herself, Adrienne can discuss feelings of peer pressure, self-esteem and other social issues with teenaged girls. Adrienne knows it is crucial to nurture and soothe the spirits of these young girls so they can become healthy, productive women. Adrienne Adams, author and speaker, will help our wonderful tween/teen ladies to find Who is on Their Map on Friday April 9th, 2010 : Who's on Your Map?

A Mother's Story about her Son

I have a networking buddy, Yvette Newman, who is awesome in business and relationships! Below is her story about her wonderfully artistic and business minded son! Most of you all might not know me but I am a proud mother. My son Arnie Newman is very talented in art. He started out very young just drawing on paper. Then one day we started watching a tv show called Papa’s Land where an old man drew pictures. I use to take a vcr tape and record it and go step by step for my son to draw. As time moved on he went to school won 1st place in drug awareness poster contest. He even was seen at the fairs. When he reached high school He took all art classes. His talent was seen even more. Now as a high school grad he is taking his drawings to make a living. He is starting out slow with t-shirts, bibs and dog bandanas. He wishes to continue in his art studies as they have a art studio he can attend but the cost is 35.00 each training. Hoping with his sales of his items he can more forward i...

Single Moms Need Vision Inspired Living

I want you to meet Minister Daphne Johnson. She has a story to tell, and a ministry to help build and encourage single mothers. Please read below, visit the site, and pick up your book, Vision Inspired Living . Minister Daphne Johnson My own personal journey as a single mother led to a search for guidance, instruction, inspiration and encouragement. I have found blessed hope in God’s Word. Through the scriptures we are able to realize a greater VISION for our lives and the lives of our children. We are then INSPIRED to keep pressing. Christ makes the difference, and with Him we are capable of LIVING life above circumstances. May your heart be encouraged as you allow these daily inspirations to minister to you. More importantly, as you receive inspiration for your journey; share the blessing with another single mother. ABOUT THE AUTHOR With a passion for life application of scripture, Minister Daphne Johnson endeavors to share messages of hope and encouragement to aid Christians in thei...

Staying Encouraged

There are times when those in business or are trying to build businesses are at a crossroad and need encouragement. We are at that road at 4, My Kids, and are totally struggling to see the light. It is hard to try to help others when you can't see the forest for the trees. But, we have an ax! We are pressing forward towards that vision. My reasoning behind this blog is to help others stay on track. Never get discouraged or swayed in your goals. God has you just as He has us. No matter what people say about you or your business, expect to have haters. When God gives you a vision you have to keep working towards it. Stay encouraged.

Pray for our Progress

4, My Kids, Inc has been in the background working on building the non-profit. We need to submit the application for the 501c3 and move forward in helping our clients. I ask that you keep us in prayer and pray for our progress. There is so much in store for our clients and the next year with the non-profit status. Bless you in advance for your help!

4, My Kids Newsletter

We have started a snail mail monthly newsletter. This newsletter will give all of our supporters a bird's eye view of what is happening in our organization. Email us today at with your mailing addres to sign up for the newsletter!


Over the past few months, we have signed clients for our organization. Yet, this is not about 4, My Kids; this is about the families we are trying to serve. We want so much to clear the debt of each family and provide scholarships to all of the students wanting to go to school, but as a non-profit..we need money. $$$ Funding helps us to get far. We are sponsoring our First Annual Dollar-Thon! What is that? Donate a dollar or more to us in the next seven days to help our families. WHY? We are going into the high schools before the end of this school year to talk to the guidance counselors for the junior class. We want to let them know that every graduating senior that signs with us, will receive a $100 book scholarship for the 2010 college year. We have two families that have over $10,000 in debt that are living in the dark, on the brink of foreclosure and at the point of losing their jobs! We have a need to fill and right now we know we can fill it. The dollar-thon is a simple way to h...

M Factors~~What are they?

Every business woman needs to look at the "M" factors in their life to build their businesses. I am inviting you to my webinar, because it will be beneficial for future growth: Plan Ahead with the "M" Factors Monique Hayward, author of Divas Doing Business: What the Guidebooks Don’t Tell You About Being a Woman Entrepreneur , will help women business owners and entrepreneurs assess what she calls the “M Factors” while pulling their plans together. You’ll learn that the Ms are exposed to many demands at various points in time and to different degrees and how to make them work for you. Find out the M Factors at our webinar to be held on May 4, 2009 at 8:00 pm CST and move forward in your life and business! This webinar is being sponsored by 4, My Kids, Inc. Please register here!

My Mom Logic

I woke up one morning and realized my kids are growing up. I did not know, and still do not know, what I am going to do when all of my children are eighteen and out of the house. I started my businesses because of my children and my growing family. I wanted to be at home with them and available for them 24/7. I encouraged myself to continue succeeding because they were my everything. Now, my mom logic, of 10 years past, has come to a halt. What do I do? I think I will start crying once a day! Then I will start looking at life through foggy glasses. I mean, my entire adult life has been about my children. However good or bad they have been, however successful or failing at life, my days and nights have been about them. Logically, it is now my turn. My purpose for being is not just about my children. It is about the morals they learn and share with their friends and the people they encounter. My purpose in life is to be a spiritual light to all that I encounter as well; it started with ...

Builidng the Organization thru Motivational Speaking

Over the past few months I have chosen to expand my territory through speaking. When I write blogs or articles for various entities I find great ways to motivate and others in business. My mission through 4, My Kids, is to motivate, build and encourage others to have a fullfilling debt free life. It is time to speak to the masses and help the organization grow. I am the CEO and Motivational Speaker for 4, My Kids, Inc. I am using the wisdom God has given me to empower others to MOVE in their lives. Sometimes a blog is not enough to empower others. Sometimes you need to be IN THEIR FACE to help them see. Our testimonies are brief when written; they are illuminated by the emotions that are felt within them. Those emotions are most expressed through speech. As a speaker, I have the right skills to set the soul afire for the Lord and to acquire the actions needed to move in a postive direction for life, education, and finances. During these economic times, people are in need of someone tha...

A Reputable Web Presence

It has been a year since 4, My Kids began to establish a web presence. This non-profit organization has hit many bumps in the road to open its doors, but the gate IS opened! The importance of this organization it to obtain the clients that really need the service. Debt elimination is important to all people in this day. This new year, the world has shown us that without a plan B, you cannot do anything but lay prostrate. Our organization with the help of the Lord will give people the option of a way out. Debt elimination, as well as furthering education, is important to the planning and visions of the people in our communities. With that, we have created a site that will give everyone the indepth look at what and why we are doing what we do at 4, My Kids, Inc. We are encouraged to know that life is too short to only think of self. Please visit us and share with us in helping others.



Looking for Motivation for OUR Children

As we start out the new year, it is time to get an understand of where our children are and where they are not. I have discovered that my kids want an increase in life and in spirit, but they won't share that with people that don't feel the same as they do. Now, will they continue to want it, I believe so, but it may also dwindle. There will be adults in their lives that may discourage their physical, mental, and educational achievements. There will be children in their lives that will do the same. We have to stay a step ahead for our children in many ways. Primarily in prayer. You may not want to hear this, but prayer is the only thing that will help our children and our friends...okay, and our family. (Yet, we are talking about kids so I will stay on point). When people say prayer helps it really does. Especially if you are honest with the Lord, obdient with the Lord and willing to hand your kids over..right to the LORD! Sometimes our motivation comes from what our children a...

Parenting ourselves

You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. Luke 21:16 In these last days, we, as parents, have to figure out our part in the lives of our children. The ones that are still impressionable by others and the adult children we have. As a woman of God, I am responsible for the good and bad I dish out. Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. The house includes and ARE the children that are under that roof. We expect so much of them, but we are responsible for what we expect. We cannot ask them to not drink and drive if we do (I'm talking to the world). We cannot expect them to not do drugs, if we smoke cigarettes, marijuana and other things in front of them. We cannot expect them to be patient and control their anger if we cannot. Have you looked at your child today and have seen any part of you that makes you cringe? If so, change you to help them. The days...