
Showing posts from January, 2009

Looking for Motivation for OUR Children

As we start out the new year, it is time to get an understand of where our children are and where they are not. I have discovered that my kids want an increase in life and in spirit, but they won't share that with people that don't feel the same as they do. Now, will they continue to want it, I believe so, but it may also dwindle. There will be adults in their lives that may discourage their physical, mental, and educational achievements. There will be children in their lives that will do the same. We have to stay a step ahead for our children in many ways. Primarily in prayer. You may not want to hear this, but prayer is the only thing that will help our children and our friends...okay, and our family. (Yet, we are talking about kids so I will stay on point). When people say prayer helps it really does. Especially if you are honest with the Lord, obdient with the Lord and willing to hand your kids over..right to the LORD! Sometimes our motivation comes from what our children a...

Parenting ourselves

You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. Luke 21:16 In these last days, we, as parents, have to figure out our part in the lives of our children. The ones that are still impressionable by others and the adult children we have. As a woman of God, I am responsible for the good and bad I dish out. Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. The house includes and ARE the children that are under that roof. We expect so much of them, but we are responsible for what we expect. We cannot ask them to not drink and drive if we do (I'm talking to the world). We cannot expect them to not do drugs, if we smoke cigarettes, marijuana and other things in front of them. We cannot expect them to be patient and control their anger if we cannot. Have you looked at your child today and have seen any part of you that makes you cringe? If so, change you to help them. The days...