
Showing posts from April, 2009

M Factors~~What are they?

Every business woman needs to look at the "M" factors in their life to build their businesses. I am inviting you to my webinar, because it will be beneficial for future growth: Plan Ahead with the "M" Factors Monique Hayward, author of Divas Doing Business: What the Guidebooks Don’t Tell You About Being a Woman Entrepreneur , will help women business owners and entrepreneurs assess what she calls the “M Factors” while pulling their plans together. You’ll learn that the Ms are exposed to many demands at various points in time and to different degrees and how to make them work for you. Find out the M Factors at our webinar to be held on May 4, 2009 at 8:00 pm CST and move forward in your life and business! This webinar is being sponsored by 4, My Kids, Inc. Please register here!

My Mom Logic

I woke up one morning and realized my kids are growing up. I did not know, and still do not know, what I am going to do when all of my children are eighteen and out of the house. I started my businesses because of my children and my growing family. I wanted to be at home with them and available for them 24/7. I encouraged myself to continue succeeding because they were my everything. Now, my mom logic, of 10 years past, has come to a halt. What do I do? I think I will start crying once a day! Then I will start looking at life through foggy glasses. I mean, my entire adult life has been about my children. However good or bad they have been, however successful or failing at life, my days and nights have been about them. Logically, it is now my turn. My purpose for being is not just about my children. It is about the morals they learn and share with their friends and the people they encounter. My purpose in life is to be a spiritual light to all that I encounter as well; it started with ...