Creating Families
Having babies does not create families. It starts with birth, continues with teaching, discipline, and love. How we raise our children, how we love our spouses, how we encourage each other is how create our families.
This is where the break down comes from when looking at the results of our lives. There are choices we make that may KILL us in the long run. Basically, as parents, we have to look at what our responsibility is in the results of our kids. Let's start with a little command that God gave us in the new testament:
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
It's not about our learned experiences (my experiences in life are a testimony in them selves), but it's about what we have learned from the Lord to teach us to do better. I can't tell you what it was like to live in slavery, or to be judged by my sex,etc.,because that isn't my experience in what the Lord has taught me in HIS word. I can share history, I can't share that experience of the past. I can share that people hurt me along the way and they will continue to hurt me, but I can't say that YOU, my child, my husband, my mother or my father, will go through the same heartache as I have or will go through, because my experience is spiritual in the natural, not the logical.
When creating families, we have to create ties that are bound by the spiritual connection with the Lord, not the heritage of men. Some of that heritage my wound us in the now more so than help us. Some of that heritage causes us to hate who we see around us without getting to know who they are.
In my young age, I am attempting to "re" create my family to see God's glory in my life. Oh its hard! It's a struggle and it's painful to go through, but the pain right now means blessings in the end. Creating families means giving direction from where you are right now, not where you were back then!
This is where the break down comes from when looking at the results of our lives. There are choices we make that may KILL us in the long run. Basically, as parents, we have to look at what our responsibility is in the results of our kids. Let's start with a little command that God gave us in the new testament:
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
It's not about our learned experiences (my experiences in life are a testimony in them selves), but it's about what we have learned from the Lord to teach us to do better. I can't tell you what it was like to live in slavery, or to be judged by my sex,etc.,because that isn't my experience in what the Lord has taught me in HIS word. I can share history, I can't share that experience of the past. I can share that people hurt me along the way and they will continue to hurt me, but I can't say that YOU, my child, my husband, my mother or my father, will go through the same heartache as I have or will go through, because my experience is spiritual in the natural, not the logical.
When creating families, we have to create ties that are bound by the spiritual connection with the Lord, not the heritage of men. Some of that heritage my wound us in the now more so than help us. Some of that heritage causes us to hate who we see around us without getting to know who they are.
In my young age, I am attempting to "re" create my family to see God's glory in my life. Oh its hard! It's a struggle and it's painful to go through, but the pain right now means blessings in the end. Creating families means giving direction from where you are right now, not where you were back then!