Kid CEO's

It  has been a funny roller coaster ride all summer, and now that school is back in session, I am encouraged to know that it's going to be another roller coaster ride!

I have watched my youngest son, create different things on the computer that are unique for his age. I have also seen him come up with different business ideas that he has also shut down, because there was no support from the would be customers. (LOL)

I have watched my 16 year old son fill out job application after job application with no answer AT ALL, and get discouraged. So know, I am thinking, what do I do next for both of them? Well, the older one wants to make music, which is fine for me, just don't let me hear that darn rap with any curse words in it.

My younger son wants to do it all and help everybody.  I think both are going to be great CEO kids. There is no excuse for any of my children to NOT be successful in the plans God has for them. It's just easier when they want it too! (LOL)

I want to encourage all the parents to look into ways of helping your child be a CEO. (mental note: don't force it if they don't want to)

Look at Raising CEO Kids
 sign up for the newsletter, tips and more.

They are very helpful with insider tips on raising entrepreneurial children!


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