Make a Difference – And Make Commission

Have you heard about this launch yet? Everybody’s talking about it!

It’s called the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo and it’s designedspecifically for Parents, Teachers and Homeschoolers. And it’s away for you to not only make a difference, but earn profitable commission.

Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan, two Parenting authors have lined up incredible speakers like Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Marci Shimoff, Robin Sharma, Bob Doyle and well known childhood psychology, education and self-esteem experts. These leaders will cover current challenges such as child obesity; child/teen depression; ADHD, autism and nutrition; struggling students; classroom chaos…and solutions such as teaching kids the power of their minds; emotional intelligence, character building, positive parenting and so much more.

Your friends and subscribers will LOVE you for telling them about this event because they’ll receive all sorts of goodies for FREE including:

**Patrick McMillan’s ebook, The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness

(37 pages)

**Plus FREE access to the Online Expo and all the Interviews

Remember, this is an opportunity for you to not only make a HUGE difference in the lives of kids, teens, parents and teachers all around the world, but also earn incredible commission as well.

Rhonda and Patrick have created a GENEROUS commission structure.

Check out all the details right here (make sure to watch their 40 second video!):

Once you sign up, they’ll take you by the hand and lead you every step of the way. If you can cut and paste, you can participate in the first ever, Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo.


ALSO:  Find out the incredible featured experts they’ve got lined up and the topics they will present. Make sure you sign up and become an affiliate so you can start receiving all the important details about the launch and find out how they will reward you for your efforts.


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