Functioning Financially

Families are having tough times right now. Whether they are millionaires or living pay check to pay check. Hey, single parents on welfare are having troubles too. (Yes, they are still people too)

Families that are struggling financially are still trying to make it with the grace of God. These families are looking up for a way out. I believe that the organization that I am creating will help them with that way out. No, they were not looking up to me, but the Lord put in on my heart to create this program and move forward in my venture.

Can I say that when I open my mouth about my businesses, it's not about me, it's about the people that I can help? So this non-profit organization is no different. I have put my foot in a place to help others in my community the same way people have helped me. I pray that THEY see my vision as God has. Although, I don't call this a spiritual ministry, it will be spiritually enlightening for all those involved.

Functionally Financially is what every family wants to do. They want to make more than ends meet. Yet, in our "consumer, high buying, high flying" spending we are living beyond our means. All families, all nationalities, rich or poor. Most of these families, even living paycheck to paycheck are drowning in debt. Debt! No matter how you look at it! So, let's look at it:

Sorry, I don't do numbers, I do lives. Meaning, if I see in your bills, in MY bills, that we aren't making as much as our bills are, then we both have problems. Many of them!!!! We have to function financially, keep our homes, keep our credit cards (way under the limit), and keep clothes on our backs.

Debt elminiation is the answer. How do we eliminate the debt of families in the community? One family at a time, from the kindness of our hearts. There is a need to do what the bible tells us today and that is to help others, don't borrow the money...Christians don't look for payback. Find a need and fill it. Through 4, My Kids, Inc you will find a need and a family.

I just need to know how many are with me? Even if you start out donating $1 a month......5-10 people donating $1 a month will pay one bill for the two families I'm trying to help!

It's your decision..... is the e-mail to make any paypal donations for 4, My Kids, Inc.(place it in the subject line) Any donation will help a family.
God bless.....and remember, keep looking up!!!


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