Reaching Out

Children today are not getting the full education they need to make it in the world. The high school curriculum is changing to eliminte the "extra" classes needed to build creative minds and voices!

4,My Kids, Inc is being established to create scholarships for teens that will help them go to college and "get" more out of life. Whether a teen wants to start a business, be a doctor, lawyer or nurse, we are creating an opportunity for a child to do that right now!

It takes time to develop the programs or criteria needed to get a scholarship. With creating programs we are looking for monies! I prayer is that someone will see the need for everyone to get an education despite what they have been through or where they live.

In developing these programs, we are creating jobs. The jobs are needed in our area to keep people motivated about life and the crime down. Spiritually, teenagers need support that is more than average. They need the type of support that lets them know they are somebody. Words without action is nothing....(see the bible about faith w/o works)

We are reaching out to people in the world that will just find a way to want to give. Just give $1, $5, to help the organization to get started and move forward to help the kids.

We thank you in advance for any and all things! God bless!

(Next Post: Phase II of 4, My Kids, Inc)


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