Blessing in the Sheets

4, My Kids, Inc was established to help eliminate debt and provide scholarships for those who don't meet the 4. 0 criteria. We have had many ups and downs and struggles from left to right, but there is a blessing on the rise in the form of sheets.

Sheets Are Us will contribute $5 to the organization from various purchases. What do I mean by various? When you place your order for the 1200 Egyption Thread Sheets and put 4MK next to your name, they will make the donation. Isn't that a blessing? A for sure blessing in disguise. We have been reaching for the stars and pulling on air, but there are angels in our midst that are helping us.

Please go to to make your purchase. AND, if you come back and place a comment here letting us know that you ordered, we will send you a testimonial mp3 from Dana Marie.

Please share this with your friends!


Unknown said…
Hello, I just came across your site and am wondering how students can apply for your scholarships? I'd love to hear from you. M.Matthews,
Dana Williamson said…
I will be contacting you soon. We have a procedure that is being set in place now.

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